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Certified translations are translated documents which end up at public or private authorities and are used as evidence or supporting documents to determine the outcome of various cases. Just some examples include translations of educational, legal, land registry, tax documents and other.
The difference between them and the ordinary translations lies in the fact that the translator is required, by placing his/her signature and seal, to assume legal responsibility for the correctness and accuracy of the translation.
In Cyprus, only Sworn Translators, registered at the Register of Sworn Translators of the Republic of Cyprus are authorised to provide certified translations from and into Greek.
Find out more details about the Register of Sworn Translators in Cyprus.

- Certificates: Marriage / birth / death / criminal record / marital status / permanent residence certificates, IDs and passports, driving licences, utility bills, etc.
- Land registry documents

- Legal documents for businesses: Memorandum & Articles of Association, leases and purchase agreements, employee contracts
- Court documents: Civil actions and case files, such as divorces and other family cases, custody of children following divorce, inheritance disputes, etc., criminal cases, court transcripts, court judgments, affidavits, witness statements etc.
- Notarial documents: Powers of attorney, certificates of inheritance, wills, adoption decisions
- Insurance contracts
- Terms and conditions

Business - Financial - Marketing
- Banking documents
- Financial statements and reports
- Tax-related documents
- Advertising campaigns
- Videos and presentations

- Degrees, diplomas, certificates
- School-leaving certificates
- Transcripts of records
- CVs
- Cover letters and letters of motivation

Tourism & Culture
- Broschures for businesses, hotels, museums
- Policies
- Menus
- Directories of services

EU & Politics
- Treaties
- International agreements
- Legal acts
- Articles